Thursday, June 27, 2024

What Healing Looks Like

Thank you again to the wonderful people who contributed to today's collective piece - exploring what healing looks like.

To me healing looks like...

the smile of a child

neighbors talking to each other outside their houses


water cupped in my hand


the end of a hurricane, when the clouds have subsided and the trees and plants take a big sigh of relief

laying a solid foundation for future generations

a block party, a healthy forest, souls connecting

a sincere smile of happiness

walking in the imperfections and gracefully being

Ubuntu – I am because you are. I see you

a steady ocean, smooth and calming

the eastern glow that precedes the sunrise

the warm embrace of relatives at a long overdue family reunion

smiles, eye contact and openness

recognizing our living ancestors on this plane of existence

the rays of sunlight bursting off my skin after emerging from a cold plunge into the roaring river

taking time to be with me in a loving, gentle and nurturing way

the pain Jesus endured for me

trees all over the city green with the leaves of spring

the sold-out crowd watching NM United scoring a go-ahead goal in the 87th minute

an ever-winding uphill climb

the first flowers in the fresh spring

a grove of healthy aspen trees, arms around each other in a circle, leaves whispering


Thanks to my cousin Carl for this pic from a morning run in Daytona Beach, FL.


  1. some beautiful and creative thoughts coming from the heart. 🧡

  2. Very soothing and healing words of wisdom.

  3. This is nice 🌼

  4. As always comforting and soothing images . You are my hero

  5. An awesome piece that offers piece

  6. Healing looks like a child who's scared to run with a stranger, but becomes confident after 40 minutes of fresh air in the open fields.
