Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Feel of Healing

Writing on the day of the Solstice, on the week of Juneteenth, in the month of Pride. 

A sacred moment!

Another collective piece today. Thank you for sharing! Enjoy!

To me, healing feels like...


slipping on Corduroy pants some cold winter morning 

being able to fly


dancing on a Saturday night


a gentle touch, a soft blanket, a smooth raw stone


the Creator has touched you with His greatest blessings and forgiveness


my first cup of water upon awakening


being the first to touch the surface on a brand new jar of salve


a warm blanket of humidity embracing you with unconditional love, support, and encouragement

a hug from a grandmother, a sore body after a fulfilling workout

a tight hug from a loved one

the cascade washing away my heart troubles

a soft blanket, as it covers me warmly and protectively

standing in the Great Plain fields of South Dakota among the endless fields of cheatgrass, watching them sway back and forth without a care in the world, as the noonday breeze blows

warmth and comfort


warm hands, soft and familiar, gently  kneading  massage oil over the neglected recesses  of my  outstretched back


calm, soft, centered embodiment 

my cat curled up on my lap

fine sandpaper on ancient Purple Heart juniper, smoothing out rough edges

a weight being lifted and finally being able to stand

the January northern NM sun on your face, back against a warm adobe wall


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