Friday, June 7, 2024



Turning from all that was

Resisting urge to worry about what will be

Allowing the wave of the present to wash over

Nearing a place of stillness


It is here

Transition transforms shape + space


Our whole selves, holy + healing

Nascent wholeness + hope apparent

Now it is your turn - create your own Transition piece today, using the format above. Feel free to post it as comment on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Toes press into the earth
    Rhythm, routine, rest
    Attitude is everything
    Needing each other is natural
    Strength and stability allow flexibility
    I am _____ (words that follow most important)
    Trust in the Creator
    Ignite the fire of discipline
    Observe the quality of your thoughts
    Nourishment can be found in a mindful breath
