Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 4th - Patriotism Revisited

When I fly the American flag this July 4th,

I am celebrating family and community.

I am excited once again for parades that may (again!) underwhelm and disappoint.

I am ready to see pyrotechnicians light up the sky, uniting us all under their glow.


When I fly the American flag this July 4th,

I am acknowledging the violence this flag represents to those who were on this land before, to those who were brought against their will to this land, and to the many people today, within and beyond our borders, on whom we inflict violence.


When I fly the American flag this July 4th,

I am doing so with hope that we become a nation where all colors of skin, gender identities, and backgrounds are loved by society and the laws for who they are. That we protect, not attack, people for who they are.


When I fly the American flag this July 4th,

I am committing myself to use my privilege, position, energy and voice to advocate for the forgotten in our society, working to live out and up to our lofty ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone.


When I fly the American flag this July 4th,

I am hopeful that we find moral and spiritual foundation to distribute all that we have – wealth, knowledge, technology, etc. – more equitably.


When I fly the American flag this July 4th,

I am celebrating interdependence, not independence. In this, I choose to focus on the beautiful, interconnected web of all life and on my part in sustaining this web for the humans and other life forms that depend on me to do so. (Lots of great articles on Interdependence and 4th of July, and here is a short one to share.)


And so, I ask you, dear readers, to find your own answers and reasons. 

When you think of July 4th, what are you celebrating? 

What are you hopeful for? 

What are you committing to?


p.s. Leave the pyrotechnics to the experts. Fingers are good things to keep.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. It covers every aspect of this holiday.

    Short piece I wrote last year for 4th of July:

    Fireworks + family + freedom.

    Fourth of July may be the day to declare independence but I declare that we have always and will always need one another.

    We only need independence to the extent that it frees us.

    No more, no less.

    Grateful to call this land my home.

    Happy Fourth to you and your beautiful family!
