Thursday, July 11, 2024

Breaking News: Hammock Adventures @ UNM

The hammock was transported by bike to campus, stuffed into the water bottle holder space on the bike to avoid suspicion.

In fact, it was smuggled in, right by the “fun police” who are hired to make sure that only work items make it onto campus.

With deft, we had dismantled the “fun detectors” that we walk through to get to our cubicles.

This, ladies and gentleman is how a hammock came to be on campus earlier this week.

Distracting people with an email about new cybersecurity threats and the latest COVID numbers, we tiptoed like veteran ballerinas to two trees that had agreed to take part in our plot.

The hammock was hung.

It was tested to make sure that fun would not turn into disaster. It passed the test.

Then, out of nowhere, our Executive Vice President, Dr. Ziedonis, came sauntering by. It seemed he was having fun, but we know that sometimes leaders are allowed to break the rules. So we didn’t say anything.

Until he yawned.

That’s when we offered the hammock.

“Not for fun, sir. No we would never think of bringing fun to campus. Just a place where you might rest for a moment so that the serious work of the day can be even more productive than ever. By the way, have you heard about the new COVID numbers? Will classes return to virtual next week?”

He took the bait.

We got him set up. The hammock had never seen such a well-dressed person in its loving grasp.

We winked at the hammock. “Remember, disguise the fun, alright? Our jobs are on the line.”

Heading to work today.

Hoping pink slip isn’t awaiting me.

And if you would please not show this blog to the “fun police”, we would be most appreciative.


In health,

WORK (We Only bring Real serious stuff to Kampus) Committee of UNM Health Sciences Campus

p.s. Those are definitely not smiles on our faces in the picture. 


  1. ABSOLUTELY, Loved that piece.
    The pic is the cherry on the cake.
    Now back to some serious snorkeling.

  2. Only 5 minutes nap per person on the hammock everyone!

  3. This is definitely a secret smile producer.

  4. Awesome!! Keep the hammock on campus. It's a great idea. Or ask Z to buy a few and place them around.

  5. What a great pic! Now those are genuine smiles and true happiness!

  6. You have got to tell me next time, bring more!!!

  7. ❤️ Amazing work

  8. Anthony, your work was done well, I laughed and laughed. 🤣🤪 vcb

  9. Great work on getting it past the “Fun Police” and not raising a second thought about what was actually in the bike water bottle holder. Love your work

  10. Word of the day, FUN.
