Thursday, October 5, 2023

Mrs. B is going strong

I last wrote about Miss B two years ago, and thought it was time to give everyone an update.

If you have read this blog from the beginning in the first weeks of the pandemic you may remember Miss B as a very important part of our house during the “virtual school” period. Our smallest one Sihasin saw her older siblings doing school on the computer and was feeling left out. So, our oldest daughter decided to become “Miss B”, broadcasting some on-the-spot interactive lessons for Sihasin. (Original story on Miss B)

The last we heard of Miss B, she had used the pandemic to find her true calling. Turns out education wasn’t a long-term fit for her, and she went into the pawn shop business. Seems that she also found a life partner, as her shop on Gibson is called “Mrs. B’s Pawn Shop.”

Yes, this news shook the Writing to Heal blog community when I shared it two years ago.

By "shook", I mean to say that all credibility I had as a writer was lost. And that 98.2% of readers decided not to read the blog anymore.

Well, we went to check in on her recently, wanting to see how she was doing.

In her words:

“The Pawn Shop business has treated me well. I am still an educator, but now it’s more about how this 20-year old lawn mower really will change the person’s life if they would just buy it from me for $150 in cash. 

I talk to them about how it doesn’t matter that they live on a 4th floor apartment. It is about dreaming to have grass and then the grass will come. And that starts with having one of my lawn mower's that may or may not actually work. I guess you would say I am an educator for life.”

Whether you are completely confused or laughing out loud, Mrs. B says to have a great day...

…and to come buy this darn lawn mower so she can make room for some more junk that she can peddle to people who don’t need it.

Sihasin visited her "teacher" recently. Looks like Mrs. B was taking some well-deserved rest, as the shop was closed. Or maybe she was out looking for the next great lawn mower to sell...

1 comment:

  1. Definitely laughing out loud! As I once told you, Ms. B is one of my favorites and a very bright spot during those dark pandemic times.
