Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Transition (Fall is Here)

I was in the Bosque this morning and saw the first yellow leaves on the Cottonwoods.

A reminder that we are in a moment of transition.

Summer bowing humbly as it gives way for Fall to arrive.

Both do so with some doubts. Summer, on one hand, having settled in over the last months, worries about what it means to step aside. Fall, on the other hand, is a bit timid as it steps up, wondering if it can live up to expectations.


It carries such beauty and power.

It can also be scary.

Tearing us from a place of comfort.

Teasing us with visions of what we might become.

Taking us to a land of the unknown.


As the Summer to Fall drama unfolds around us, one leaf at a time, each morning slightly darker and crisper than the one that preceded it, reflect on the transition occurring in your life at the moment. 

Where are your leaves changing?

How are the seasons changing in your life?

What is receding? What is being birthed?

How are you doing with the transition?

How and who do you want to be as you let Summer go and embrace Fall in your life?


Writing to Heal community, take some time to write today on the transition. Let nature be your co-author and guide if you wish, writing under a favorite tree or while you walk your favorite path.

Enjoy the journey that is your transition!


  1. Transition, evolution, change, the flow, the river the ocean the wave.
    Release, surrender, acceptance, the wave. Melting, joining, Communion, the wave. We remain intact through it all thrive and learn we the waves. Never separate, except in our inanity.

  2. The cool weather, the smell of piƱon and cedar, the crunch of leaves - all serve as a reminder for me to slow and reflect. To look back and be grateful for all the growth that has happened within the past year. A time to harvest the fruits we cultivated throughout the season.

    It is also a time to remember the light and warmth that we have been gifted to carry in our hearts. That it is a light and warmth that is not ours to own but ours to care for and to share with others.

  3. I have always loved fall but tend to be unwilling to let go of fall for the winter that comes after, and, in recent seasons, dread the speed with which fall seems to fly by. I think of my children, who are so very quickly growing up. My oldest son has already noted how "each year seems to go by more quickly", and it feels true. How do I embrace, be present, and parent in this season with my no-longer-little littles? How do I be the person, parent, and spouse I want to be, and how am I making time to encourage the connections and relationships that are so crucial within our family, and with others? Is it possible for me to bring some of that fall color and beauty to someone else by taking time to connect and nurture relationships?

  4. As a follow-up, I read this post on FB that brought me back to this writing:

    "Lesson for our children
    Little one, the leaves don't fall all by themselves.
    They need the help of the wind
    to embody them,
    to help them face their resistance,
    their need to cling,
    their fear of change.
    Mother Nature does that for you too.
    With every composting aspect, flying seed
    and darkening moon.
    With every flower
    that falls and acorn shaken from the oak,
    there is a message
    of surrender, of freedom
    and ultimately of trust in the life-giving cycle
    that we are all perpetually held within. "
