Thursday, June 27, 2024

What Healing Looks Like

Thank you again to the wonderful people who contributed to today's collective piece - exploring what healing looks like.

To me healing looks like...

the smile of a child

neighbors talking to each other outside their houses


water cupped in my hand


the end of a hurricane, when the clouds have subsided and the trees and plants take a big sigh of relief

laying a solid foundation for future generations

a block party, a healthy forest, souls connecting

a sincere smile of happiness

walking in the imperfections and gracefully being

Ubuntu – I am because you are. I see you

a steady ocean, smooth and calming

the eastern glow that precedes the sunrise

the warm embrace of relatives at a long overdue family reunion

smiles, eye contact and openness

recognizing our living ancestors on this plane of existence

the rays of sunlight bursting off my skin after emerging from a cold plunge into the roaring river

taking time to be with me in a loving, gentle and nurturing way

the pain Jesus endured for me

trees all over the city green with the leaves of spring

the sold-out crowd watching NM United scoring a go-ahead goal in the 87th minute

an ever-winding uphill climb

the first flowers in the fresh spring

a grove of healthy aspen trees, arms around each other in a circle, leaves whispering


Thanks to my cousin Carl for this pic from a morning run in Daytona Beach, FL.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Feel of Healing

Writing on the day of the Solstice, on the week of Juneteenth, in the month of Pride. 

A sacred moment!

Another collective piece today. Thank you for sharing! Enjoy!

To me, healing feels like...


slipping on Corduroy pants some cold winter morning 

being able to fly


dancing on a Saturday night


a gentle touch, a soft blanket, a smooth raw stone


the Creator has touched you with His greatest blessings and forgiveness


my first cup of water upon awakening


being the first to touch the surface on a brand new jar of salve


a warm blanket of humidity embracing you with unconditional love, support, and encouragement

a hug from a grandmother, a sore body after a fulfilling workout

a tight hug from a loved one

the cascade washing away my heart troubles

a soft blanket, as it covers me warmly and protectively

standing in the Great Plain fields of South Dakota among the endless fields of cheatgrass, watching them sway back and forth without a care in the world, as the noonday breeze blows

warmth and comfort


warm hands, soft and familiar, gently  kneading  massage oil over the neglected recesses  of my  outstretched back


calm, soft, centered embodiment 

my cat curled up on my lap

fine sandpaper on ancient Purple Heart juniper, smoothing out rough edges

a weight being lifted and finally being able to stand

the January northern NM sun on your face, back against a warm adobe wall


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sounds of Healing

Today is the 150th blog in this 4+ year journey with all of you. And it might have been the most fun to write, even though I did none of the writing. Thank you to all of the amazing people who contributed to this piece. 

Sounds of Healing reflects the beauty of you all, the radiance of community, the showering of love that comes from hearts aligned.

To me, healing sounds like...

birds singing

children laughing while playing

angels singing

dancing on a Saturday night

harmonic tinkling from metaphysical wind chimes ringing through the ether


the crowd at a football game when the home team scores a touchdown

a deep sigh of relief

the gentle morning song of the birds

windchimes on a sunny day

gurgling hot springs

the ocean

a family BBQ

deep breaths to remain calm

the gentle, assertive “No” – “No” is the protective auntie standing 10 toes in her moccasins, fierce in her shields of turquoise

Nambe Falls during the snow run offs

music as it ebbs and flows naturally in harmony with others

the first water running after the cleaning of the acequia

family and friends chatting happily into the night

watching the luminating lights from below and the beautiful headlamps of my fellow trail runners, taking in the silence and stillness under the twinkling starry night

a mountain creek after a good snow year

my heart beat. Drum on, drum on

the old troubadour, singing his favorite classic, with  all of us in the room singing along

"It's okay to feel that way"

It’s not your fault”


Friday, June 7, 2024



Turning from all that was

Resisting urge to worry about what will be

Allowing the wave of the present to wash over

Nearing a place of stillness


It is here

Transition transforms shape + space


Our whole selves, holy + healing

Nascent wholeness + hope apparent

Now it is your turn - create your own Transition piece today, using the format above. Feel free to post it as comment on the blog.