Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Rain is Here!

Showering love

Dampening doubt

Embracing us from all Directions

We reach up

Eyes close

Heart shouts

                                “Rain is here!”


¡Escucha! (¡Listen!)

Do you hear our plant relatives singing songs of joy?

For three months they stood tall with faith that this day would come.

They drink with elation.


¡Mira! (!Look!)

Do you see the puddles and trickles, hurrying to make it to the river bed that flows once again.

They flow with elation.


¡Respira! (¡Breathe!)

Take a deep breath of healing humidity, watching it cover our





                Highways to our sacred space

Absorb the moisture as it embraces you

Drink with elation!


¡Despacio! (¡Slow down!)

The rain meditation beckons

    a slow down

                             a re-balancing

                              a pause + reset

as we slow

we renew

as we renew

we heal


¡Juega! (¡Play!)

All of this – the listening, looking, breathing, and slowing down – has led us back to the child within

Smile wide 

as you splash puddles of joy

as we splash each other

as love splashes us

                                one drop


                                                                a time.

Thank you to the UNM Curandismo Class that provided the loving environment that allowed today's piece to be birthed. ¡Olmateottl!


  1. ¡ Alma ! The framework that holds it all.

  2. Rain in the desert is always such a transformative site. Each monsoon brings new beginnings and change of pace.
