Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Patients Treating Their Doc with Wit and Humor

“My get up and go got up and went.”

I smiled as my patient tried to describe their struggles against fatigue.

I have not written much about the people I get a chance to take care of as a primary care physician, but they continue to inspire, teach, and give to me, one visit at a time.

And when I get handed a jewel like this comment above, those are moments to push all other agenda items aside and smile and laugh together. Moments where division between “patient” and “doctor” dissolve. I have a few other good ones to share with you today.


We were talking about his enlarged prostate. I wanted to know how he was doing.

“Let me put it this way. I can no longer write my name in the snow.”


The gentleman was dealing with homelessness. He was living in his car and I wanted to check in to see if he had found a safe place for parking the car at night. I asked, “Where is your home right now?” He paused, and with a sly smile said, “It is in the parking lot outside.”


Lauretta, what is your advice for younger people to stay healthy?

“Get some sheep and follow them around.”

The elder described further, “That was our way of life, and the sheep kept me active and away from health problems.”


Sir, your diabetes has really gotten out of control over these winter months.

“Doc, I am Bear Clan. I hibernated.”


A quote from a person who was over a year into sobriety from alcohol.

“I look forward to things in life right now. I used to think, “I will do those things when I am older” and would just keep drinking. But then “older” came and went, and I came close to death.

One of the things I am excited to do is to go into the prisons and start running the AA group there. I am going to prison, but the right way!”


So, if you are someone I get the honor of taking care of as a physician, this piece is for you. It is a way of saying thank you. I hope that I show it with every interaction, without need for words. 

And for moments where I fall short, I ask for your understanding and patience. 

In those instances, it might just be that….my get up and go got up and went 😊


  1. If whining, moaning and complaining helped, I'd be doing it...but it doesn't. So, you laugh about it.

  2. Je partage ce témoignage aux partenaires qui souffrent dans leurs relations car il existe une solution durable. Mon mari m'a quitté ainsi que notre fille pour une autre femme pendant 3 ans. J'ai essayé d'être forte juste pour mes enfants mais je ne pouvais pas contrôler les douleurs qui tourmentaient mon cœur. J'étais blessé et confus. J'avais besoin d'aide, alors j'ai fait une recherche sur Internet et je suis tombé sur un site où j'ai vu que le Dr Ediomo, un lanceur de sorts, pouvait aider à récupérer les amoureux. Je l'ai contactée et il a fait une prière spéciale et des sorts pour moi. À ma grande surprise, après 2 jours, mon mari est revenu à la maison. C'est ainsi que nous nous sommes réunis à nouveau et il y avait beaucoup d'amour, de joie et de paix dans la famille. Vous pouvez également contacter le Dr Ediomo, un puissant lanceur de sorts pour trouver des solutions
    1) Retourner son petit ami
    2) Réunir le mari ou la femme
    3) Si vous avez des juments nocturnes
    4) Remède contre le VIH et l'hépatite
    5) Anneau magique puissant
    6) Sort de bonne chance
    7) Rompre l'obsession
    8) L'infertilité chez les hommes et les femmes.
    Whatsapp : +2349132180420/
    Courriel : drediomo77@gmail.com
