Thursday, April 7, 2022

Joyful Movement

I found the antidote for bad days and low life energy, y’all.

I found it at Algodones Elementary. But no need to rush on over there. (Their Principal might not talk to me again if you do.)

Sometimes in life, all you need for a bit of a kickstart is to run around with a bunch of joyful little ones. It sure worked for me.

Yesterday morning, I made my way to this small school tucked just to the north of Bernalillo.

When I walked into the front door, I sensed a beautiful energy. A former elementary school teacher myself, I also realized the precious gift of being present in schools that the pandemic has taken away over the last years. I used to be in my children’s school on a regular basis, but this was my first time setting foot in a school since B.C. (Before Covid).

I took a moment to breathe it all in.

But I didn’t have long to do so. Little ones began forming around me, like tourists in Yellowstone seeing their first grizzly. Unlike tourists, they didn’t have cameras. Just joyful exuberance as they guided me outside.

This was to be the 2nd day of their Running Medicine program, and I was going to see it in action. Principal Talbert had decided it would be great to start the school day with the entire school community, students and staff, getting some movement in. Teachers had already made comments about positive things they had noticed including better attention and less hyperactivity. They were seeing what the data says - kids who move in the school day learn better.

We stretched (the boring part) and then we ran. A mad dash of kid energy as they sprinted off around the school field.






Lightness of mind, body and spirit.


Sacred Play.

Moving together.

Adults enjoying the moment to breathe deep.

Kids just doing what comes so naturally. Nothing cerebral needed – they just moved.

Thank you kinders, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders for sharing your joy with me. Thank you Algodones staff for moving alongside me. May all of your Journeys be ones of Beauty.

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