Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A Perspective on War

I went to someone I trusted, someone I wanted to hear from on the topic. 

I asked my son.

Bah'Hozhooni is a 5th grader who I knew would help me understand why war continues to exist, why we have not found a way to evolve past it. It was also a way to have a conversation with him about something so important and yet so hard to figure out from a "parental teaching guide" standpoint.

Here is what he told me as I asked him questions and scribbled furiously to keep up with his answers.

Why do you think war exists?

Well, when people have their own opinions on a subject, they may use verbal violence or physical violence. They think that they need violence to win. You don’t need violence to win. Dr. King was a person who showed there is a way other than violence.

What have you seen as images of the war in Ukraine?

Bombs and houses being blown up. People having to escape.

Can you imagine what you would feel like if your house was suddenly destroyed? If your neighborhood or entire city was demolished?

I would be scared. I would be sad seeing my city gone to waste. I would be devastated. I would try my best to stay calm.

What do you think the kids of the world would say if we looked to them for advice on the topic of war?

The children would say to stay calm. Just stop. Stop the fighting. You are ruining your country’s reputation and ruining each other’s countries.

What would you say to children in Ukraine right now?

I would tell them that change will always come. You have to get used to what is going on around you. You can see a different side of you that comes out when life has changed where you are living. Most of all, try to stay calm. Picture times in the past when you have been happy, to help you escape disaster and violence. Everything will work out for you.

Will we ever evolve past war?

I don’t think so. There is always one person who disagrees. I hope that we would find a different way to solve our differences. We could have all of the nations sign a treaty that ends war as an option when there are disagreements.

What can we do to not forget about our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Ukraine?

We can pray for this situation to get solved. We can work for peace in our own communities.

Thank you, my son. Let us find ways to make inequities, poverty and all of the forms of violence things of the past. We have the tools to do so. You remind me of that.


  1. Great post-Bah'Hozhooni has such insight and great perspective.

  2. Thank you for sharing these thoughts and words. Often the wisdom of a child be profound and wise. Bah'Hozhooni should be an inspiration for all parents to engage with their children, discuss problems, events, good and bad things that happen. When the generations listen to each other everyone learns, everyone gains perspective, and everyone is free to ask questions and explore possibilities. Thank you both for this conversation.
