Friday, February 4, 2022

Vote for Us!


Dear Ms./Mr. Politician,

We stand here on the front lines, COVID in our face.

Too tired to change clothes and shower when we get home from the hospital, we now just accept the viral risk that we incur on our families.

For two years we have been asked to give 200%.

We prescribe all that can help us out of this pandemic.

Masks, vaccines, and public health orders to limit spread of disease.

To you, Ms./Mr. Politician, we are disposable like PPE.

Some of you telling the public not to wear those “face diapers”, unmasking your contempt for science, data, and your so-called healthcare heroes. Thanks.

Others putting political spin on health measures, fueling flames as we clean up the mess, one intubation at a time. Thanks.

Both sides of the aisle pandering for votes.


Ms./Mr. Politician,

We are not your political pawns. Neither are the patients we care for.

The care we provide is not yours to politicize.

Our Hippocratic oath does not care about animal allegiance (donkey vs. elephant).



See our exhaustion. From COVID, and from the political games you play.

Stand with us.

Stand for health.

Vote for Us!



  1. Thank you! Stand for health and stand with us!

  2. Nice. Thanks for the offering of words!
    Hoping and praying that we all have opportunities to be those 'trusted messengers', whether in our workplaces, in our schools, in our places of worship, and in whatever public spaces we find ourselves, so we can help with wise, thoughtful, and kind responses, with words that do magic, that empower, that transform, and that inspire. Ephesians 4:2 says to "be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love". Praying we'll know how to do that in every and all situations! Blessings...JR.
