Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Filling our Gratitude Cup

Gratitude flows with just a little extra ease this week. 

Connect with that energy and add your own.

Through deep breaths, self-care, and slowing down, let us show gratitude for life this week.

And if this week meets you with a heart that is grieving or hurting, may this week bring gratitude as part of your healing journey.

Now, some words from wonderful people who shared on gratitude in the last week…use these as a spark for your own.


My gratitude cup is filled with… 

Love and support for those around me, the opportunities I've been blessed with and the strength to grow through challenges. 

Our new baby grand-daughter and her laughter

The small moments in life. Watching my dogs enjoy their walks.  Every day is a new adventure -stopping to smell this and that, each step is different than the day before, every sound is a riddle and of course, what does this taste like. Advice from my pup: “Listen, quite your mind, let everything go and enjoy this moment through my eyes!”

Appreciation for my family, students, friends, and community.


Love from family and friends 



I try to fill my gratitude cup each day by… 

Expressing my appreciation towards others and thanking the universe for all impactful moments, no matter how small. 

Meeting life’s stress and difficulties with the courage to say, “But look at ___________ “ (and I name something that makes me smile), a little bit of peace descends upon me.

Praying, taking time each morning & night to be thankful for all that is good in my life!

Remembering that gratitude is an important part of my healing. As I feel grateful for all my body can still do, I focus my attention on my health and, more importantly, on my wholeness, the spiritual truth of me. 

An attitude of gratitude will keep your life in balance. If you can't think of something to be grateful for, be grateful for something you don't have that you don't want.

Observing the beauty of the trees, mountains, and sky. Even on a rainy day, there is much natural beauty all around.

Breath and silent moments

Expressing my appreciation to everyone I encounter


Listening more than I speak


  1. Ripples from the Sabbatical. What an awesome start! S/T

  2. Sharing gratitudes increases hope. I am grateful for exercise in the park (Tiguex). Most M, W, F mornings will find me moving to maintain flexibility/balance while loving the huge blue NM skies, cranes, dog walkers, community and peace.
