Thursday, March 7, 2024

IT Issues

She texted me.

“I am having IT issues.”

“Oh no!” I thought.

I knew this condition too well. Plus, she was going to lead yoga for our group that afternoon.

“I am so sorry to hear this,” I responded. “Which leg is it affecting? Can you still make it today?”

The Iliotibial (IT) band connects our hip/pelvis (ilium) with our knee (tibia). 

IT Band Syndrome can be quite painful and often gives pain just above the knee on the outside/lateral aspect of the knee. Causes include overuse and inflexibility.

“I think I can still make it today,” she replied. “It’s not that severe.”

Reaching deep into my empathy reservoir, I shared about my recent brush with this condition. I told her that I would be sending good energy for healing her way.

No response.

Had I over-shared? Was she in too much pain to respond?

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, she responded.

I opened her text with anticipation.

“My computer is giving me fits."

She added, "Why would my leg hurt?”

I hope this makes you smile, even just a small polite smile, the type you give out of courtesy when there was an ill-fated attempt at humor in your midst. The above was taken from a conversation last week. As a doctor, I often hear things from a medical lens and thus assumed that "IT issues" was a medical statement, not a computer issue. I hope that you will be free of all types of IT issues today!


  1. I love it; thanks for sharing! Have a beautiful day.

  2. Hahahahaha!!! That was hilarious!

  3. A good laugh for my Friday. I have IT band issues too, my initial thought when reading this. Thank you for sharing πŸ˜‚

  4. Here is a variation of a meditation I have used prior to entering into a situation, possible contentious interaction, or just something I may have preconceived ideas about:

    Please help me set aside

    everything I think I know

    about myself, this situation, , and especially You;

    So I may have an open mind

    and a new experience

    of all these things.

    Please let me see the truth.

  5. Haha! Made me laugh - thx

  6. Thank you for always being your genuine self With us And thank you so much for the belly laugh!

  7. I'm smiling :) thank you.

  8. Got a chuckle from that.

  9. Too funny! I read it as a techy problem but found your info helpful, tooπŸ˜‚
