Thursday, February 6, 2025

Run Your Race Today

As the day begins,

You lace up your shoes

Breathe deep

Give thanks

Toe the starting line

Off you go

Just run your race today

Letting go of other’s expectations or outside pressures

Run your race

At times you will be at full speed, sprinting like a child on the beach racing to water’s edge

At other times, you may slow to a trot, akin to kids’ speed when called to the kitchen to do the dishes

Just run your race today

Invite others to run alongside you; races of one aren't a whole lot of fun

Run your race

Give thanks for all that you are, perfectly you

Glow the radiance that is uniquely yours

Let your light shine, like the New Mexico sky

Smile big

Laugh lots

Play often

Run your race

Enjoy the journey, each and every step

A recent run (not race) with friends Dewayne, Chokri, Mike and Solomon under the gorgeous NM sky.


  1. Beautiful. Great reminder. It's something I tell to runners all the time, but have never thought to apply to myself.

  2. Running really is a nice metaphor for this mortal life! Everyone is engaged in a somewhat different race from all others, starting at a different spot, aiming at a different finish line (never quite reaching it as our race is seemingly neverending), although we encounter similar landmarks, overcome some of the same obstacles, and aspire to our quickest possible pace, even as one measures the pace needed to allow one to keep going, to assure enough energy to get to journey's end. It's a marathon for sure, with all the ups and downs in between! Blessings...JR.

  3. Great images of the poetry to go with the images of that NM sky!

  4. Thank you for the medicine. A reminder I needed to read and remember. Luv to the family.
