Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Out of...Into...

As we transition to a new season, I look to the trees for wisdom and guidance.

They must now begin to transition out of their green-leafed stage and into the radiant colors of fall foliage, before losing their leaves altogether in the weeks ahead.

Like most drastic changes, I am sure the trees wish it could go just a bit slower, letting the transition happen over months, not weeks.

I imagine the grandmother tree, 90 years wise, trunk wrinkled with life wisdom in every crevice, begging Life to turn down the speed of the transition just a bit.

Life answers, gently and lovingly, “Dear, it is not your timeline on which things happen around here. Let go and let me guide you out of the summer and into your next chapter.”

Taking that in, let’s write together today.

First, imagine a tree or group of trees that you have shared Life with. Maybe an old oak that was your playground in your grandparents back yard. Maybe a Cottonwood on your street whose bright yellows have started to greet you in these last weeks.

Breathe in the energy, the essence of that tree as it shows us the way of transition. Out of the summer green. Into the fall colors and losing of leaves.

Now, it is your turn to write on your transition. Envision sitting at the tree’s base, your back resting on its trunk.

What are you transitioning out of at this moment?

What are you transitioning into?


A few lines that arise for me:

Out of…

Out of despair

Out of picking fruit before it has time to ripen, sweeten and mature.

Out of my own head

Out of forgetting gratitude as I rush out the door for the day

Out of holding onto yesterday + worrying about tomorrow



Into Love’s warmth and Life’s embrace

Into spaces that radiate the glow of Life’s Beauty

Into writing more and worrying less

Into slowing down and praying up

Into healing of others

Into receiving healing energy from Life, from others


Have fun writing your Out of/Into piece today! 

Share it with a few people and with your tree once finished.


  1. Out of the Mother the trees grows,
    Into the the earth the roots extend.
    Its branches reach to the heavens like synapses, feeling, sensing, absorbing.
    Out of the Loving heart of the Mother and into the ether of Creation it reaches completing the circle of Life. S/T

  2. Out of the ground, into the sky.
    Out of the forest, into the canyon.
    Out of the warmth, into the cold.
    Out of my body, into the air.
    Out of my mind, into my heart.

  3. Out of the 505, home of 42 years and birth place of my Spiritual journey.
    Into Chicago, place of my birth and my political journey.

    Out of the thoughts of love.
    Into the practice of love.

    Out of questioning.
    Into acceptance.
    We are One.
    On a tiny blue marble,
    called earth. 🌍
