Sunday, February 7, 2021

Moving Ahead


Like a dog driven by sense of smell exquisite, I am drawn to the inspiration of life with intensity. My kids and family, my patients, my experiences in the woods and mountains as a runner. Probably more so over the last year, I seek the sweet scent of inspiration, having been changed by the process of writing regularly. Not a good speller, but I do enjoy writing.

As I moved on the bike path, I began to pick up a smell of something beautiful.

Crossing under a tunnel, the aroma was stronger still.

And suddenly, it was before me.

A sign. Like, a real-deal sign. Obviously planted there by a talented artist, a do-gooder, or a person looking to make the word a brighter place. Maybe someone fitting all three.

I gave thanks.

“Moving Ahead”

That’s what the sign said, for those who chose to see.

Obviously the work of a skilled artist.

Placed there just for me.

I thought about my bike ride. Movement is indeed sacred, cure for stagnation and all that threatens our vitality.

I thought about the pandemic and all of the moments where we have all wallowed, wondered aloud: “Are we moving at all? And if so, is it backward or ahead?”

Moving Ahead!

I trembled with fear and hope, alchemy instantaneous.

And then I trembled from a machine trembling not too far away.

And smelled the sweet smell of fresh-cut grass.


  1. I love this! You probably could've used some baked goods after the ride. Coming soon. :)

  2. Great share, thank you! It reminds me of a chat I had with an old-timer. We were talking about spiritual growth and he said, something to the effect of, "Either you're progressing or regressing. No one's ever heard of just gressing". It blew my mind, I had never thought about spiritual growth in that way and as we continued to chat we touched on some subtleties and nuances around his statement, you sometimes feel like you're regressing but you may actually be progressing. The spiritual path isn't linear, we sometimes have to go down to eventually start going up, the important thing is to keep moving!!!

  3. Wonderful! A much need breath of fresh air.
