movement is the song of the body,
what song is your body singing today?
is that song fast or slow?
angry or grateful?
energized like electronic music or exhausted like a slow
bluegrass drawl?
Is a blues about what could have been or a love ballad sharing
of bliss?
loud like metal, or soft like a lullaby?
complex like a 10-piece band or simple like solo acapella?
as the body sings
How are you listening?
are you paying attention, hearing the nuances, the phrasing
of the notes?
are you hearing the pauses?
are you hearing the notes not played?
do you turn up or down the volume when the song is a cry for
move to the beautiful music that your body is singing today
feel each
note + pause + nuance + cry
as you have never felt them before
As you move today, whether for exercise or a break at work, listen in a way you haven't listened in awhile. And consider write your own piece today, starting with the line "If movement is the song of the body..."