Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Healing Tears


The tears of grieving

water the seeds of growth


The tears of grieving

cleanse the dirt, 

using it 


nourish new life

into being


The tears of grieving

dilute the pain








Healing Tears is a visual art and poetry collaboration as part of a larger project, Our Natural Body Through Art and Word. This collaboration allows visual and poetry art to translate and transform one another. 

Lindsey Hancock (visual artist, UNM Medical Student hailing from the Choctaw Nation) and myself take pieces that the other has done and create the complement. 

In the case of Healing Tears, Anthony created a poem and Lindsey then created art in response.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fan Mail: Fleg Sighting at the Olympics??

This week, I will address a fan mail letter on the show. (You mean, you haven’t sent a letter in yet? Shame on you!)


Dear Dr. Fleg,

I was excited to see that you are taking part in the Paris Olympics. How do you find time to do it all? And will you also be a part of the medical team there? Finally, could you get me a signature from Snoop Dogg while you are there?


Katie S.

Portland, Maine


Dear Katie,

It is wonderful that you took the time to write. 

I didn’t realize the internet stretched all the way to Maine. You mean to tell me that when I post something on Writing to Heal, it actually makes it all the way over there? Wow!

Anyway, I want to clear up the confusion. I am DR Fleg but it is DJ Fleg who is participating in the Olympics. 

I know – only one letter difference, but we are different people. I use a stethoscope and he uses turntables. I sign patient charts, while he signs his fans' biceps with a Sharpie.

Katie, as you may know, breakdancing is making its debut in the Olympics this year. My youngest brother, Steve (DJ Fleg) who is known around the world in the hip hop community, was asked to be one of the two DJs to spin tunes for the dancers as they compete for gold. He surprised us recently with the news that he was heading to Paris.

Finally, a Fleg made it to the Olympics!

But listen, if you want to come to Albuquerque for a health maintenance visit, I am here for you. Just call our clinic and tell them you want the stethoscope Fleg, not the turntable one.

In health,

Dr. (not DJ) Fleg

p.s. Here's an article from LA Times on breakdancing + DJ Fleg for you - click here

A picture of DJ Fleg's Olympic credentials, snapped from my parent's kitchen counter